a. Preside at all business sessions of the Church.
b. Supervise the general interest of the work.
c. Serve as a member ex-officio of all committees.
a. Preside over the business sessions of the Church in the Moderator’s absence
a. Take charge of all funds committed to his/her care.
b. Keep an exact account of all receipts and disbursements.
c. Present a report at regular Church Business Meetings.
d. Pay all obligations with Church funds.
e. Submit all funds to his/her successor in office.
a. Receive all monies from donations and collections.
b. Keep an accurate account of the same and submit information to the Treasurer.
c. Keep a record of individual offerings and send out statements to members at the end of the fiscal year.
a. Keep a faithful record of the proceedings of the Church. The records shall be present at every business meeting and be open to inspection by all members.
b. Preserve all valuable papers belonging to the Church.
c. Give notice of the Church Business Meetings.
d. Carry on such correspondence as pertains to the office.
e. Serve as standing member of Cemetery Committee & Historian Committee.
a. Assist the Clerk as needed.
a. Perform the duties assumed by such a leader, including or in addition to those written in the contract.
b. Present a written report of his major activities at each regular Church Business Meeting.
c. Be ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees.
a. Consist of at least three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with at least one member to be elected each year.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Coordinate dates for the summer camping program.
d. Select the key staff members for each camp.
e. Set camp fees.
f. Lend assistance to the staff during the camping season as the need may arise.
g. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
h. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
i. Make sure that we have a Camp Administrator and Medical Director and work with them to make sure all the needs are met for camp.
j. Make sure the Pre-Camp Orientation Handbook is updated and distributed as needed.
a. Consist of the Clerk and three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with one member to be elected each year.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Supervise the upkeep of the Church lawn and cemetery.
d. Arrange for the sale and transfer of lots to Members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church of Shiloh only.
e. Be responsible for opening and closing graves.
f. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
g. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Be elected annually.
b. Coordinate with the board of Christian Ed.
c. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
d. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
I. Membership and Duties
a. Consist at least of six members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, two to be elected annually.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Provide and support a Christian Education program for adults, youth, and children of the Church and community.
d. Provide Leadership training for Christian Education personnel at least every five years.
e. Annually evaluate materials used in grades Pre-K – 12 and upon request, adult classes.
f. Oversee services emphasizing Christian Education and promoting Sabbath Activities.
g. Provide a written report to be presented at the Annual Church Business Meeting.
h. Submit a report at the Bimonthly when needed.
II Youth Center
a. Provide supervision and support for Youth Center activities.
III. Child Protection
a. Provide Child Protection Policy Training and review annually.
I: Diaconate shall:
a. Aid the Pastor in fulfilling the spiritual needs of the Church, attending to the membership of the church. (Shepherding functions)
b. Minister to the sick and needy of the Church and the community.
c. Arrange for and assist in the administering the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
d. Meet monthly with the Pastor serving as chairman. Senior Deacon or Deaconess present will serve as leader in the Pastor’s absence.
e. Arrange for a pulpit supply in the Pastor’s absence Sabbath Morning Services as needed.
f. Administer the Relief Fund.
g. Provide a written report to be presented at the Annual Church Business Meeting.
h. Shall submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meeting when needed.
i. Elect a Secretary of the Board of Deacons from its membership.
j. Oversee the selection process of new Diaconate members.
II. Membership:
a. The Diaconate shall consist of at least eight church members.
b. When the Church determines by a vote at a Business Meeting that it is advisable to add to the Board of Deacons, the Diaconate shall initiate and be responsible for the selection process.
c. Ordained Ministers who are, or become members of the Church, may be invited to participate in the ministry of the Diaconate. They shall be elected per Section IV, Election Process.
d. If a new member who joins the Church was a Diaconate member of another Seventh Day Baptist Church, the Diaconate may recommend that the Church invite them to join the Board of Deacons. They shall be elected as per Section IV, Election Process.
III. Selection Process:
a. Church members will nominate candidates by written ballot, one nomination for each position needed plus one alternate.
b. A candidate must have at least 15 nominations to be considered for election.
c. Potential candidates shall be contacted by members of the Diaconate and given at least two weeks to pray about their candidacy.
d. If no candidate is found the Diaconate will advise the Church and the process may start over.
IV. Election Process:
a. Deacons and/or Deaconesses may be elected at any Business Meeting of the Church following the selection process, provided notice of such an election has been given in writing and announced at two Sabbath morning services prior to when the vote will be held.
b. Election shall be by written ballot and require a two-thirds majority of those votes cast.
V. Term of Office:
a. Initial term shall be for three years.
b. At the conclusion of the three-year term the Church may extend the call for a life term.
c. A Diaconate member could ask to be elected per Section C, Election Process for one additional three-year term instead of a life term.
d. A life term member of the Diaconate may ask to be made a Deacon or Deaconess Emeritus.
VI. Dismissal or Resignation of a Diaconate Member:
a. Deacons or Deaconesses may submit a written letter of resignation to a regular Church Business Meeting.
b. At the written request of ten Church members the Diaconate will discuss the dismissal of a Diaconate member and proceed according to Matthew 18: 15-18.
a. Consist of at least three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with at least one member to be elected each year
b. Prepare a tentative budget assisted by the Treasurer and Trustees.
c. Keep all members informed of the financial condition of the Church
d. Serve as Church auditors.
e. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
h. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of at least three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with at least one member to be elected each year.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Maintain historical records.
d. Respond to requests for historical church related information.
e. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
f. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term.
b. Arrange housing and transportation as requested.
c. Submit a written report at the Annual Business meeting.
d. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Be elected annually.
b. Coordinate the Church Library.
c. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
d. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of willing and able individuals/members who have a desire to serve in the capacity laidout in this Seventh Day Baptist Church of Shiloh Committee Handbook.
b. Chairperson to be elected by those present at the first of the year committee meeting as needed.
c. Provide and post each committee meeting to ensure everyone who would like to participate can participate.
d. Arrange for operation of audio/visual equipment on request.
e. Continually maintain and recommend upgrading audio/visual equipment.
f. Train operators as needed.
g. Maintain and update the church’s website and all social media outlets.
h. Provide both digital media and printed media notice for all church events and activities.
i. Shall submit a report at the bimonthly Business Meetings when necessary.
a. Consist of at least three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with at least one member to be elected each year.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman and
c. Keep a record of all Memorial Funds received by the Treasurer of the Church, stating from whom each was received, in whose memory the gift was given, and for what purpose each fund was used.
d. Keep a record of Memorial Gifts presented directly to the Church.
e. Send cards to donor and family of deceased.
f. Record all gifts in the Memorial Book.
g. Present family suggestions for gifts at the Church Business Meeting.
h. Decide on use of such funds as have been held for a minimum of three years in the family’s name, provided no family decision has been made. (If a family suggests a gift, which is more than has been contributed, that family should consider how the remainder should be funded.)
i. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
j. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of at least six members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with at least two members to be elected each year.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Advise the Church of mission needs.
d. Facilitate mission outreach programs.
e. Organize missions for adults and youth.
f. Serve as liaison to the S.D.B. Missionary Society.
g. Distribute White Christmas Gifts.
h. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
i. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of at least six members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with at least two members to be elected each year.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Supervise all music of the Church.
d. Arrange for choirs, chorister(s), organists and pianists.
e. Oversee the upkeep of the organs, pianos, bells and all other musical equipment.
f. Arrange special music:
1. Summer months
2. Christmas caroling
3. Hymn sings – coordinated with the Pastor
g. Maintain the music library.
h. Maintain and supervise the copyright license.
i. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
j. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings.
a. Consist of two members. Each member shall be elected for a two-year term with one member to be elected annually.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Arrange for nursery attendants.
d. Maintain equipment and supplies.
e. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
f. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of at least three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term with one member to be elected annually.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Act as liaison between the Pastor and the congregation on all matters other than spiritual, by:
1. Acting as a sounding board.
2. Evaluating information.
3. Mediating differences.
4. Discussing finances with the Pastor previous to the formation of the Church budget.
5. Notifying the Pastor of their recommendation for the upcoming year, prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
d. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
e. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Be elected annually.
b. Prepare and submit articles of interest related to Church activities.
c. Report about births, deaths, marriages, and baptisms.
d. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
e. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of at least three members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term, with at least one member elected annually.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Create wholesome fellowship for the congregation and their families quarterly.
d. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
e. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
a. Consist of six members. Each member shall be elected for a three-year term.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new
c. Hold in trust all property belonging to the Corporation including Church vehicles, mowers and other machinery owned by the Church, as well as all land and buildings.
d. Transact the Church’s financial affairs (subject to the direction of the Church) and keep properties in good repair.
e. Decide upon applications for use of the Church, Camp and furnishings for purposes other than the usual activity by the congregation.
f. Select and oversee the work of the Janitorial Staff.
g. Provide for the upkeep and snow removal of the driveways and parking area.
h. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
i. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings.
a. Consist of the Pastor and two members. Each member shall be elected for a two-year term, with one member elected annually.
b. Meet within three weeks after the Annual Business Meeting for reorganization and notify the Clerk of the new chairman
c. Meet with representatives of the West District Churches to organize winter activities for youth and young adults.
d. Submit a written report at the Annual Business Meeting.
e. Submit a report at the Bimonthly Business Meetings when needed.
These By-Laws may be amended at any Regular Business Meeting of the Church by a two-thirds vote of the members present.