This Church shall be called the Seventh Day Baptist Church of Shiloh .
The purpose of membership in the Church is to encourage growth of members, to increase fellowship of believers, and to identify those individuals who have taken responsibility for the business activities of the Church. Any person who affirms agreement with the Articles of Faith and the Covenant of the Church, has accepted Jesus as their Savior, and been baptized by immersion may request membership; they will become a member of the Church by a majority vote of the members present at any Sabbath morning service or any regular business meeting of the Church.
The Pastor and/or the Moderator shall extend the right hand of fellowship as a token of entering into covenant relationship with the Church.
A. Any member of the Church may be granted a transfer of his/her membership to another member church of the General Conference of Seventh Day Baptists, USA and Canada, Ltd. upon written request. The Clerk will send a letter of transfer to the other church.
B. A member of another member church of the General Conference of Seventh Day Baptists, USA and Canada, Ltd. may request transfer of his/her membership to the Seventh Day Baptist Church of Shiloh. Membership will be granted upon a majority vote of the members present at any Sabbath morning service or any regular business meeting of the Church, after verification of his/her membership in the other church.
Active members shall, as the Lord enables them, attend worship services and meetings plus contribute to the Lord’s work through this church. They shall have the privilege and responsibility of voting at all elections and upon all issues that shall come before the church. They may serve in any elected or appointed office. Members who no longer participate actively in the church function shall be moved to an Inactive Member List by the Diaconate. Inactive Members may not hold elected or appointed position or vote on issues which come before the church. Inactive Members may be restored to active membership by the Diaconate if they return to active participation in church function. Members may attend business meetings virtually and have the same privileges as members who attend business meetings in person. Votes cast viva voce (by voice) are permissible by virtual attendance; votes cast by ballot require members to be present.
Members may be removed from membership by majority vote at any regular business meeting of the Church because of request for removal, request for transfer, or for reasons of belief, conduct or by recommendation of the Diaconate. Any person providing a written request to transfer his/her membership to a church of another denomination may be granted a letter relative to his/her standing in the church.
The officers of the Church shall consist of a Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.
The Board of Trustees shall consist of six members.
Trustees shall be elected for a three-year term, two members to be elected annually.
SECTION 1: The selection of a pastor shall be made by members of the Church at a duly called business meeting. Conditions of the call of the Pastor as to job description, salary, housing facilities, vacation, conference expenses, and any other contingencies regarding his call shall be decided by the Church membership and included in the call.
SECTION 2: The first term of office shall be for two years, and thereafter the term shall be for three years. The subsequent election for a three-year term shall be at an annual meeting, shall be by ballot, and shall be by a two-thirds majority. The Pastor may ask for a vote of confidence by ballot at any business meeting of the Church, the results of which shall be made known only to the Pastor.
SECTION 3: The Pastor’s contract may be terminated during any Church Business Meeting by a two-thirds majority vote because of the Pastor’s gross negligence or misconduct.
SECTION 4: A written notice of three months is required from the Church or Pastor to terminate the contract.
SECTION 1: The election of the Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Committee Members shall be at the annual meeting and shall be by ballot, unless otherwise voted by the members present.
SECTION 2: Nominations for officers, boards and committees shall be made by a nominating committee of three to be elected from the floor at the regular November business meeting. If desired, nominations may also be made from the floor at the annual meeting.
SECTION 1: The Annual Business Meeting of the Church shall be held the second Sunday of the year unless changed by the vote of the Church.
SECTION 2: Bimonthly Business meetings of the Church shall be held the second Sunday in March, July, September, November and the third Sunday in May, unless changed by the vote of the Church.
SECTION 3: Special meetings of the Church may be called by the Moderator upon the request of five members.
SECTION 4: All Business Meetings of the Church shall be announced at least two Sabbath’s in advance.
Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting and ten shall constitute a quorum for other business meetings.
The fiscal year of the Church shall be from January 1 to December 31.
This Constitution may be amended at any regular Business Meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that the proposed amendment was presented to the Church in writing at least two months previous to action and notice of said change given at two Sabbath morning services .
Parliamentary authority for the conduct of business at business meetings shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Latest Addition.