We agree to take the Bible as our guide in both matters of belief and practice.

We agree to keep the commandments of God and to make Christ the Lord of our lives.

We believe in “The Golden Rule” (Matthew 7:12), and agree to watch over one another prayerfully, to assist and admonish each other kindly, that we may grow in grace, be built up in Christ, and become instrumental in bringing others both at home and abroad to a saving knowledge of him.

We agree to cheerfully attend the appointments, bear the burdens and expenses of the church, according as God has given us the ability.

Implications of the covenant

The “How To” of Ministry

Bible Knowledge

Church members are increasing their grasp of the teachings of the Bible and are applying the Bible to their life situations.

Personal Devotions

Members spend time in daily prayer, Bible reading, meditations on God’s Word and other spiritual exercises.


Members regularly participate in Sabbath morning worship services and other services scheduled by the fellowship.


Members regularly attempt to share their faith in Jesus Christ with unbelievers.

Small group experience

Members are encouraged to locate a ministry in the church where they can use their God-given gifts and abilities.

Regular Giving

Members are encouraged to give a tithe (10%) of their financial resources to the Lord. The tithes and offerings help support the ministry of God in and through His Church. Giving financially is not enough – members want to give their time and energies for ministry to others.