The History of the Shiloh SDB Church
Those who have traced the history of Shiloh from its earliest sources say that the people settling Shiloh were Baptists who came from Wales, in 1662, to Massachusetts. Owing to persecution, they, with other Baptists from Scotland, came to South Jersey in 1687.
The first building was erected on March 24, 1738, on land deeded to the church for that purpose by Caleb Ayars. This land, being one acre, forms the northeast corner of the present cemetery. The first meeting house was used for 33 years when it was moved to the village for a mechanic’s shop. One feature of this first house was a large fireplace in the center of the room. The first pastor, Jonathan Davis (not the same as mentioned earlier) was buried under the floor of the meeting house, between the pulpit and this fireplace. The spot is now identified by a large flat tombstone placed over the location. The frame from the first building was afterward taken down and now forms part of the barn on the Caleb Henry Sheppard farm.
The second building, built of brick in 1771, was given to Union Academy in 1850, the year the present building was erected. The site of the second building is marked by a tablet placed there in 1923.
The present structure was dedicated in 1851, after a special service of the people asking God’s blessing and guidance. It is recorded that the cost of this building was $5,000.
The above history is quoted from a 1934 newspaper article by Mrs. Annabel Bowden
On February 6, 1934, the present church building was gutted by fire. But on August 4, 1934, the building had been restored and a rededication service was held. The 200th anniversary of the church was celebrated in 1937. The Fellowship Hall was added and dedicated in 1968. The two buildings were connected by the Link in 1993.
This church has continued to thrive in the 20th century. Weekly radio broadcasts and monthly visits to Cumberland Medical Center have been made since the early 1940’s. Between 1950 and 1970 an additional was put on the Session Room; Jersey Oaks Camp was built; and both the Fellowship Hall and the Memorial Prayer Chapel were dedicated.
Now in the 21st century, the Shiloh congregation is seeking God’s guidance as plans are made to improve facilities and revise the programs to meet the ever-changing community in the ever-changing times.