Our Vision

Love God. Love People.

Our Mission

To Fellowship together in unity as Seventh Day Baptist who seek the truth, grow in Christ, and proclaim the gospel to make disciples according to the will of God.

Core Values


We believe fellowship is a key component to our life together as the Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church. This is not to say it is the most important value, but it is to say that Fellowship should be part of everything that we do. This means that we share life together. We hang out together. We don’t just show up for a weekly service, but we engage with one another. This might take the form of a gathering for our monthly birthday celebration over coffee and a snack. This might take of the form of participating in a Sabbath School class. This might be sharing a meal in each other’s homes. These are just some of the aspects of what we do to fellowship with one another.


We believe truth is a key component to our life together as the Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church. Truth is only found in the word of God. Our articles of faith affirm this. This is why we don’t take lightly the words written in scripture. We believe we shouldn’t take anything from it or add anything to it as the Bible is foundation to the life of the believer. As such we also speak the truth in love. We communicate the truth of the gospel, we disciple people with truth, and we strive to keep the truth of the word of God at the forefront in our minds. Each person is encouraged to search the scripture with the help of the Holy Spirit to seek the truth of the word of God.


We believe proclamation is a key component to our life together as the Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church. Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church is unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ died for each person’s sins in the past, present and future. He took the punishment that is deserved by each one of us. God hates sin, which is why the only way to have a right relationship with him is believe in Jesus Christ. You don’t have to pay the price for your sin, but Christ paid the price. This is good news, so we boldly proclaim it.


We believe unity is a key component to our life together as the Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church. We are unified in our love for Jesus Christ and desire to follow him. We are unified in our desire to see others come to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. We are unified in our pursuit of truth of the Bible. This works itself out in our church covenant and our articles of faith. Our church covenant is how our members are to function together towards unity and our articles of faith are the rallying crying for why we do what we do as a body of believers here at Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church.


We believe growth is a key component to our life together as the Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church. Growth can take many forms. Our hope is that individuals will grow. This means that you may grow spiritually and emotionally as you fellowship with us. Our hope is that you continue towards maturity in Christ. As Paul puts it the old life is gone, the new life has come but it doesn’t mean the new life we have is completely perfect. We are still growing. We still have sins that come up in our lives. We need to grow through those situations together. We should never stop growing as individuals.